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Title:     Greek-Letter Organizations:Offspring of Abomination
Author:     Gail Y. Gray
Category:     21     17     7    
Price:     $ 20
Language:    0
Size:    1
Number of Pages:    111
ISBN Number:    1-59196-874-7
Publication Date:    March, 2005
About this Book: 

A growing number of Christians are walking away from fraternal organizations because they mistakenly believed that these groups are Christian-based. As a long-time Christian and former "Greek" myself, I became disheartened with the many pledging injuries and deaths that were occuring in these so-called morally upstanding groups. However, it's now imperative that pastors & church members, college students, and parents everywhere learn why tragedy has become so prevalent in these organizations. Those who profess to be children of God must also know where God stands on this issue--to know that Christianity and "Greekdom" are not cut from the same spiritual cloth. This new book unveils the mysticism and occult connection that "Greek" organizations have with the Masonic organization, including the abominations of ancient Babylon and Egypt. Everyone desiring to make it to Heaven must ultimately conclude that a choice has to be made between the Holy Spirit and the unclean spirit of this world. With a riveting Introduction, this text is destined to resolve the controversy and conflict surrounding Christians who are moonlighting as "sorors" and "frat" members.

About the Author: 

The author, Gail Gray, is a graduate of Southern Illinois University at Carbondale with a B.S. Degree in Education. Presently a middle school English teacher and Youth Sunday school teacher in the Pentecostal Faith, the author is committed to disseminating the Truth of God's Word in a way that all can comprehend. Though a former member of the nation's first African-American sorority, my love for God and desire to see His Kingdom prosper supersede all else. I'm now a defender of the Gospel of Christ.

Order/Contact Info: 

For product information, please contact author toll free at (877)570-9495 or Email: and type a message and your mailing info. You may also write to Gail Gray at P.O. Box 18665 Milwaukee, WI 53218. Of course, see to get product info. on this book.

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